Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 7



Comparison after 1 week:

I've got a small flare-up on one side of my face. Day 7 didn't look as good as Day 6, and I think it's because I'm not giving enough time for the Prosacea to be absorbed before adding moisturizer. I'm hoping that putting some extra Prosacea on that spot overnight will help. Either way, I'm happy with 1 week's progress!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 6



Comparison, Day 0 to end of Day 6:

Remember how I said on Day 3 that I figured the irritation would clear up in 3 days or so? :)

This was the first day where I really felt like there was significant improvement. I haven't noticed any new major breakouts. There's still small stuff popping up, and the old marks are still in the process of fading. But I feel like I look better than I have in months. I'm actually kind of excited to go out and not have any major acne marks to feel shamed of.

My skin is still flaking/peeling. That's kind of a bummer. I'm hoping it stops or decreases in frequency over the next week or so. If it doesn't, and my skin continues to clear, I'll live with dry skin if it means no more redness or acne-like marks :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 5



My forehead started peeling/flaking profusely the last two days. I think it's just recovering from the reaction to the Prosacea. I'm hoping that it will have gone back to normal by the end of the week.

Comparison, Day 0 to end of Day 5:

Day 4

Sorry for not updating on time! Got busy all yesterday and didn't have time :)



My face looks like it's clearing up from the flare-up caused by Prosacea. Changing to twice a day seems to have cut down on the irritation a lot. It's no longer itchy and painful throughout the day.

Comparison, Day 0 to end of Day 4:

There's significantly fewer large breakouts on my face than usual. There's more smaller bumps and blemishes, but I'm hoping they'll fade soon enough!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 3


Afternoon (did not apply more Prosacea after this, just took a photo):


Day 0 to end of Day 3 comparison:

As I said in my last post, my skin feels drier than previously, and has some painful feelings now and then. I've cut back to only applying Prosacea in the morning and at night, and moisturizing more regularly throughout the day. It looks worse now, but I'm betting it'll be clearing in 3 days or so.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Change to Twice a Day

The first two days I applied Prosacea three times a day. The instructions say 2-3 times is safe. But I think 3 times is too much, at least to start. I'm cutting back to twice (morning & night). My face just itches a lot. I applied some moisturizer midday instead of another round of prosacea, and it burns a little.

I'm thinking that I will need to moisturize after each round of Prosacea. Despite the instructions and booklet that claim this stuff 'moisturizes', I don't necessarily buy it. I went onto the Prosacea website ( and looked at the FAQ. It says to wait 15-20 minutes after applying Prosacea before applying moisturizer, so I think I'll wait about half an hour before applying moisturizer.

Day 2




Comparison , Day 0 to end of Day 2:


After applying Prosacea, my skin feels very tight. It's like wearing face paint. I'm afraid of smiling or touching my face for fear of causing problems. I don't put on my glasses for a while after I apply it. The feeling goes away after a while. I haven't really timed how long that takes, though.

My skin felt itchy a couple times during Day 2. When I showered in the evening, my face hurt when I applied light pressure to my cheeks. When I cleansed my face after the shower, my cleansing gel really, REALLY hurt. I couldn't finish cleansing and had to wash it away with cool water. I'm also 95% sure that I'm having a reaction to the Prosacea. My forehead is covered in tiny red bumps, and I usually don't have that kind of problem on my forehead. However, I know that a lot of treatments make you look worse before you look better, so I'm not seriously concerned about that kind of thing right now. Assuming the pain subsides, I will continue to grin and bear through the reaction.