Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 6



Comparison, Day 0 to end of Day 6:

Remember how I said on Day 3 that I figured the irritation would clear up in 3 days or so? :)

This was the first day where I really felt like there was significant improvement. I haven't noticed any new major breakouts. There's still small stuff popping up, and the old marks are still in the process of fading. But I feel like I look better than I have in months. I'm actually kind of excited to go out and not have any major acne marks to feel shamed of.

My skin is still flaking/peeling. That's kind of a bummer. I'm hoping it stops or decreases in frequency over the next week or so. If it doesn't, and my skin continues to clear, I'll live with dry skin if it means no more redness or acne-like marks :)

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