Friday, February 13, 2015

Why Prosacea?

I'm fed up. I'm 26 and look almost as bad as I did when I was a teenager. So I looked online recently for over the counter, inexpensive regimens to treat my Rosacea. (I can't go to a dermatologist, as I have neither the funds now the health insurance to do so. If you can afford it, go to one before doing anything yourself!)

For my first try, I applied rubbing alcohol as a disinfectant and toner after getting out of the shower, before applying a moisturizer. It didn't seem to have any continual effect. My skin wasn't any more dry than previously, but it didn't seem to cut down on the redness or acne.

I looked online again and saw some comments on a product called Prosacea. It's surprising to see an OTC product targeted specifically at Rosacea sufferers, rather than a catch-all skin care product.

I'm skeptical. I'm sure the product works for some people, but I have doubts it will work for me. However, at $10 bucks a tube, I can't really complain. And if it does have some effect, I can always look into more effective versions of a similar treatment later. The active ingredient in Prosacea is Sulfur, and I'm sure I can find other products online with this ingredient if this works.

As I looked online, a lot of the skepticism comes from the fact that many of the individuals praising the product are new to the forums people are posting on. Honestly, that doesn't surprise me. Why sign up for a forum just to say a product didn't work for you? However, if something really did change your life (positive or negative), you're more likely to go through the trouble of saying so for others.

I noticed a distinct lack of photos (as did many posters). Nobody showing 'before' and 'after'. I and others were disappointed.

Then I thought...I have a camera. I want to try this stuff. And I want to document if it has any changes on myself anyway. So why shouldn't *I* be the one to take photos of myself and compare?

So here we are. Let's see how well this stuff works.

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